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Friday, September 6, 2013

9/6 Friday

We've made it through another week! Let's just get through today and enjoy our weekends!

1. Game Time-Alright, it's Free Rice Friday! Play the game and do some good for your fellow human beings!

2. Grammar-Take a few minutes and study your notes.

3. Grammar Quiz-Go to the following link and wait for my instructions.

4. Outsiders-Next week we will begin reading the novel The Outsiders. Before we start, read the following description.

The Outsiders was written by a teenager about teenagers.  The author, Susan Eloise Hinton, began writing the story when she was 15-years-old and it was finally published when she was 17-years-old, in 1967.  She was advised to use a pen name, S.E. Hinton, because the publisher did not think that people would believe that a girl wrote this novel!  Hinton began writing the story in response to an act of teenage violence that occurred in her hometown.  The setting of the novel, Oklahoma in the 1960s, is the same setting in which Hinton wrote the book.  Considered a coming-of-age novel, The Outsiders examines many social and teenage issues that were prevalent in the 1960s and are still issues today.
Now, on a blank piece of paper answer the following discussion questions.
Discussion Questions:
1 What do you think “The Outsiders” means?  What is an “outsider”?
2. What do you think were some of the issues teenagers faced in the 1960s?
3. Do you think these are issues that teenagers still face today?

5. Reading Notebooks-We are going to take a few minutes and discuss how our Reading Notebooks are going to work.

6. Reading-Grab your books, get comfortable, and start reading.

7. Social Studies Warm-Up-Take a few minutes to get your presentations ready to go. We will start presenting very soon!

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