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Friday, September 13, 2013

9/13 Friday

Good news...IT'S FRIDAYYYYYY!!!!!

Bad news....IT'S FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!!!!!!!!

1. Free Rice Friday-Learn new words, donate some rice to the needy, it's a WIN-WIN situation. It's FREE RICE time!!!

FREE RICE CHALLENGE-Try to get over 400 grains of rice!

2. Vocabulary Review-Take about 10 minutes to review your Vocabulary Words.

2.A-QUIZ TIME!!!!!!!!!

3. Richard Cory-Read the poem, take some strong Active Notes, and prepare to discuss.

4. Global Warming - Let's read, listen, watch, and learn about Global Warming. Please look through and analyze the following links:

A Student's Guide to Climate Change
Global Warming Basics
12 Things You Can Do to Help Our Planet

On a piece of paper, you are to write down 15 facts you learned from the above sources. You must write at least three facts from each source (so not all 15 can come from the same site). Please write in complete sentences, using proper grammar.

5. Reading-Relax and read.....

6. Social Studies -Watch the following videos. Be sure to pay close attention and take notes. On a blank piece of paper write down 5 interesting facts from each video. Be prepared to discuss. Be sure to use your headphones!

Renaissance Video 1

Renaissance Video 2

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