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Friday, September 27, 2013

9/27 Friday

1. Free Rice Friday-Time to play some Free Rice.


2. Weekly Vocabulary-Take a few minutes to finish those 3-2-1's.


3. Subject and Predicate Activity-We are going to practice creating sentences!

4. Class Novel-Let's go!

5. Independent Reading-Let's relax and read.

6. Social Studies-Grab your Social Studies notebook and let's talk about the Inquisition.

7. Torture in the Inquisition-Torture was a big part of the Inquisition. Got to my Torture in the Inquisition  Google doc and read about the various techniques used for torture during the Inquisition. On a blank sheet of paper, you need to rank the torture methods by how painful you think they would be. For example, whichever technique you think would be most painful would be your number 1 and so on.

8. Essay Questions
Directions:  Pick one of the following questions and write a detailed paragraph (at least 10 sentences) on the topic.  To receive bonus, complete both entries (at least one paragraph each)

If you could travel back in time three years and visit your younger self, what advice would you give yourself?  Why?
What is the hardest thing about being a kid?

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