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Friday, September 20, 2013

9/20 Friday

1. Free Rice Friday-Time to play some Free Rice.


2. Weekly Vocabulary-Finish up those 5x5x5s. I will be taking them up shortly.

3. Central Idea-Today we will be finishing up our Central Idea Unit.

4. Outsiders-Let's see what will happen today!

5. Free Reading-Relax and read! Remember, next week we will start using our Reading Notebooks!

6. Social Studies Warm-up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc.

What is one thing that you always remember about our Renaissance Unit? Why did you choose what you did? Explain your answer.

7. Food of the Renaissance-Today we are going to examine the foods of the Renaissance. Your assignment is to go to the following links, read them, and create a Google doc entitled "Renaissance Food." Be sure to share it with me. In that doc I want you to first tell me what you thought about the foods of the Renaissance. Be sure to fully explain your answers. Then I want you to give me 15 facts that you learned from these websites.


Nuclear Disaster -- Take a few minutes and read about theaccidents at nuclear power plants in Japan in 2010. In an email addressed to me please type out a list of 10 facts that you learned. Please use complete sentences and include the most important facts you found.
Also, leave your thoughts about nuclear energy. Nuclear is a relatively clean energy source (and doesn't contribute to global warming), but also has major drawbacks. Is it safe enough? Do you feel safe that a nuclear power plant is in Raleigh and Wilmington? We haven't had any major accidents here, but who knows about the future?

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