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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

10/9 Wednesday

1. Game Time-Let's get the day started with some games. Play at least one of our games.

2. Vocabulary-Here's a chance to finish those 3-2-1s. If you are finished, play some Scatter or Space Race....

3. Blind Kayaker - Meet Erik.
Credit: Mike Dove/Travis Brown
He's blind, but it doesn't hold him back. He's an amazing example of what's possible when you just go for it!

Please scan through his story and watch a video on his adventures. After watching, answer the following questions (courtesy of the NY Times Learning Network) on a blank piece of paper. Make sure to rewrite the questions AND answer in full sentences.

1. WHO is Erik Weihenmayer?
2. According to the article, WHAT is Mr. Weihenmayer known for?
3. According to Mr. Raker, WHAT has Mr. Weihenmayer done that is even more impressive than climbing Mt. Everest?
4. HOW does Mr. Weihenmayer plan to add to his accomplishments?
5. HOW did Mr. Weihenmayer first learn to navigate the rapids?
6. WHERE does he plan to carry out his most challenging feat?
7. WHY does Mr. Weihenmayer say that this feat is “10 times scarier than the scariest thing he’s ever done”?
8. WHEN have you overcome obstacles and tried something truly challenging?

4. NC Write-Today we are going to start working on our first NC Write writing prompt. Can you score a 30 on your first try?

5. Independent Reading-Read those books!

6. Explorer's Map-Today is our last day to work on our maps! Let's get them finished. Remember...MAKE THEM PRETTY!
Your map should include:
-Explorer's name
-Country they came from
-Route they took
-Years of their expedition
-Reason for expedition

List of Explorers (choose 6)
-Christopher Columbus
-Sir Francis Drake
-Hernando DeSoto
-Ferdinand Magellan
-Hernando Cortes
-Juan Ponce DeLeon
-Sir Walter Raleigh
-Henry Hudson
-Vasco da Gama
-Vasco de Balboa

7. Scavenger Hunt-Use the internet for correct answers (spelling counts) Put the questions and the answers in an email titled Scavenger Hunt #1 and send it to me. Remember to answer in complete sentences.

On what date did the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico occur?
Who was the 16th president of the United States?
What are three synonyms for the word BIZARRE?
What is the capital of Egypt?
What are two website addresses that allow you to edit video?
What is the largest mammal on Earth?
What are three antonyms for the word ANTIQUE?
Who discovered the cure for the disease polio?

Use the power of Google to help your searching . . .

ENRICHMENT- You are going to complete some Sentence Expansions.  What is a sentence expansion?  Read below:

The goal of sentence expansion is to create sentences that are informative and interesting. Writing an awesome sentence is something that everyone can do. In sentence expansion, you take a simple sentence(one noun and a verb) and gradually expand it until you have a beautiful sentence.

To start this activity, students need to be able to answer the following questions: Who? What? How? Where? When? and Why? Take a look at the example below.

What/What Kind:
The alligator eats.
green alligator eats.
The green alligator eats 
The green alligator eats quickly 
in the pool.
The green alligator eats quickly in the pool 
at 9:00 A.M.
The green alligator eats quickly in the pool at 9:00 A.M.
because he is hungry.
By taking a simple sentence and expanding it step by step, students are able to create sentences that are entertaining and informative.

Ok, so the alligator example above is called ONE SET of sentence expansions.  Each set has six sentences.  On a piece of paper, I'd like to you create 5 sets of sentence expansions.  Have fun with them!

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