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Thursday, October 31, 2013

10/31 Thursday

1. Would-You-Rather-This is something we will occasionally do. Answer all three of the following "would you rather" questions in your Language Arts Google Doc. Make sure to fully explain your answers.

Would You Rather . . .

1. Jump into a pool of marshmallows OR a pool of jello?
2. Have many friends, but none of them close friends OR have just one or two close friends?

2. Spooky Email- I want you to create a scary, school appropriate, Halloween message. Type it out at this Halloween message maker and send it to Mrs. Elmore ( Try your best to spook her!

3. Weekly Vocabulary-Take about 10 minutes to study those Weekly Vocabulary Words.

4. Vocabulary 3-2-1-Now, take about 10 minutes to work on your 3-2-1s.

5. Halloween Links- Take a few minutes and look through some Halloween links. Here are Halloween pictures from across the globe, interesting Halloween stats, and scary Halloween candy. When you have finished visiting the links, send me an email ( In your email, you need to tell me what you thought of each link. Be specific and include details. Your email needs to be at least 7 sentences long. 

6. Short Story-Let's finish up The Lottery. You guys will finish the story on your own. Once you have finished reading, answer the following questions in Google doc titled "The Lottery" Make sure you share this doc with Mr. Norman. Remember to answer in complete sentences!
     a. What happened at the end of the story? How did the ending make you feel?
     b. What in the story might have helped you predict the kind of ending the story had?
     c. What did the author  to set the tone for the story?
     d. Why do you think the Village still does the Lottery each year?

7. NC Write-Work some more on your stories. These stories should be so scary, that I will not be able to sleep at night!

8. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc.

What is your all-time favorite Halloween costume? Why is it your favorite? Fully explain your answers. 

9. Origins of Halloween-Part of truly understanding something is learning about its history. The more we know about something, the better we can appreciate it. With that in mind, we are going to be researching the origins of things associated with Halloween. You are to research the origins of the following:
     -Halloween-research the holiday itself. When did it start? Where did it start? Why did it start?
     -Jack-o-Lanterns-What is the origin of the Jack-o-Lantern? Why are they made from pumpkins?
     -Costumes-Why do kids dress in costumes on Halloween? When and where did this tradition start?
     -Candy-For this one, you need to pick your all-time favorite candy and research its origin.
You are to put the findings of your research into a Google doc titled "Halloween Origins" and share it with Mr. Norman. 

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