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Friday, October 25, 2013

10/25 Friday

1. Free Rice Friday-Play some Free Rice. Do some good for the world AND sharpen your vocabulary skills.

2. Weekly Vocabulary Review-Let's see how well you know your words....

3. Weekly Vocab Quiz-I told y'all it was coming!


4. Inference Wordle Activity-We will be using Wordle to practice our inferencing skills. You are going to use Wordle to describe something that you LOVE! Be very descriptive and use as many words as you can think of. Here again are your Wordle instructions:

Step 1:  Go to Wordle

Step 2:  Create your word cloud by typing in words that describe something that you love!

 Press "GO" when finished.

Step 3:  Save your wordle to the public gallery, but do not put your last name in the description.

Step 4:  Copy (control-c) the embed code at the bottom of the page

Step 5:  Paste (control-v) the embed code into an email you will send to me. Your email should have the title "Norman-Wordle-Inference

5. Class Novel-Let's get going!

6. Act-it-Out-I may be crazy for allowing it....but it's time for our Act-it-Outs to start!

7. Social Studies-Spend this time to work on your Explorer letters. Here are the instructions:

Letter Home Weekly Assignment-This week you will be pretending that you are a crew member aboard one of the Age of Exploration voyages. You must follow these steps to complete the assignment:
     1. Pick an expedition you think you would have liked to have been on.
     2. Research all pertinent information about that expedition.
     3. Write a letter to your family as if you were writing from aboard a ship on an expedition.
     4. Include in your letters the information you found in step number 2.
     5. Type your letter in a new Google doc. Share it with Mr. Norman. 

8. Age of Discovery Information Sheet-Read the Age of Discovery information sheet. Read pages 1-15 and answer (on a blank sheet of paper) the questions included on the information sheet.

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