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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

10/2 Wednesday

1. Game Time-Let's get the day started with some games. You can play one of our older games:

I want everyone to try our new game Synonym Toast.

2. Weekly Vocab-Take this time to work on your 5x5x5s, study your words, play some games with your words, or all 3!

3. Summarization-We are going to practice our summarizing skills some more. 

4. Class Novel-Now that we have met the Greasers, let's see what happens next.

5. Independent Reading-Grab your books and get reading.

6. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies google doc.

Would you have liked to have gone on an expedition? Do you think it would have been fun to explore a whole new world? Explain your answers.

7. Motivations for Exploration-There were many different reasons why the explorers would risk their lives to travel to completely unknown worlds. You are going to check out the following websites. Using the information you gather from the websites, I want you to write on a blank sheet of paper 5 reasons why explorers were so eager to explore during the Age of Exploration.


8. Explorer's Map-Today you are going to start working on a map which will trace the routes and give the reasons for exploration of 6 different explorers. These maps will need to be bright, colorful, and detailed! 

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