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Monday, October 14, 2013

10/14 Monday

1. Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Language Arts google doc.

What was the last thing that you did that you will NEVER forget? What made it so memorable? Be sure to provide details.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-New week, new words! Take a few minutes getting familiar with your new Weekly Vocabulary words.

3. Create-A-Crossword-For this week's Weekly Vocabulary Assignment, you will use all 10 of your words to create a crossword puzzle. Your clues should be hard, but not impossible! (do not make your clues be just the definitions)

4. NC Write-Practice time is over! Today we are going to get serious.

5. Book Cover Weekly Project-You will be creating a book cover for your independent reading book. This should be creative and colorful. It should contain what you consider to be the most important elements of your book. It should NOT look like the cover your book already has. On the back of your cover, write a short essay explaining why you chose the images you did. Your cover should contain at least 5 illustrated elements.

6. Independent Reading-Today you are going to be doing Pop-Up Questions in your Reading Notebook.

7. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc.

There has been a lot of debate over the past few years about Christopher Columbus. It is time for you to weigh in with your opinion. Do you think Columbus was a hero or a villain? Be sure to fully explain your answers.

8. Discovery of North America - Who really found North America first? Were people already living here?  If  so, where did they come from? On a blank piece of paper, write 3 facts from each website. That will be a total of 12 facts.

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