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Thursday, October 17, 2013

10/17 Thursday

1. Article Review-Read the following article. After reading, write a quick review of the article in your Norman Language Arts Google doc. Your review should answer the following questions:

-Did you like the article? Explain your answer.

-Was the article informative? Explain your answer.

Also, create two E.O.G style questions about the article.

2. Pronoun/Adjective Adverb Review-We started off our school year covering Pronouns and Adjectives and Adverbs. It's review time! Go to Study Island and wait for further instructions.

3. Crossword-Take this time to get as close as possible to finishing your Crossword Puzzles.

4. Book Cover-Those covers are looking pretty good! Let's work on them for awhile.

5. Wordle-It's time again for us to express ourselves.  Today we will be using word clouds to create a gallery of words all about you.  Many web sites offer word clouds and let's try Wordle first.

Step 1:  Go to Wordle

Step 2:  Create your word cloud by typing in words that describe you. Do not use your last name anywhere in your Wordle. Be expressive!  Press "GO" when finished.

Step 3:  Save your wordle to the public gallery, but do not put your last name in the description.

Step 4:  Copy (control-c) the embed code at the bottom of the page

Step 5:  Paste (control-v) the embed code into an email you will send to me. Your email should have the title "Norman-Wordle"

6. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc.
What have you learned about the Age of Discovery that you did not know before? Be sure to explain your answer.

7. The Explorers-Get out your Social Studies notebooks. It is time to take some notes.

8. Food Project-In groups of 2, you will be creating a Google presentation on a certain food. I will be selecting each group's food. You will thoroughly research your food and use the information you find to answer the following questions:

-Name of Food
-Other names for the food
-Country of origin (where did it come from)
-Number consumed each year
-Various uses for food
-Different varieties of food
-One awesome recipe using your food!

Your presentation should be at least 9 slides (including a title page.) You should also include pictures.

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