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Thursday, November 7, 2013

11/7 Thursday

1. Article Review-Read the following article. After reading, write a quick review of the article in your Norman Language Arts Google doc. Your review should answer the following questions:

-Did you like the article? Explain your answer.

-Was the article informative? Explain your answer.

Also, create two E.O.G style questions about the article.

2. Catch-Up Day-Today we will be using our time to catch-up on our work from the past few days.
Vocabulary Word Boxes-Continue working on those Boxes.

Prefixes/Suffixes-In the red Writer's Choice book (they are on the bottom shelf of the book case), read pages 661-664. When you are finished reading, do exercises 4 and 5 on a blank sheet of paper. When you are finished be sure to turn them in.

NC Write-Work on your Columbian Exchange NC Write prompt. If you have already submitted, revise and submit again. Our goal is a score of 20.

The Outsiders-We need to get to page 68 before Friday. Get as much read today as possible. While reading, you need to create 5 Summary Sketches in your Reading Notebooks.

Triangle Trade- Go to the following websites. Read the information they contain about the Triangle Trade. Once you have visited all the websites, create on a blank piece of paper a Triangle Trade fact sheet. Your fact sheet should contain at least 20 facts. Your facts need to be written in complete sentences. Turn in once you have finished. The websites are here, here, and here.

3. Going Green Letter- Have you ever seen the Tonight Show? The host, Jay Leno, is a funny guy. He's also passionate about helping our planet and improving our future.

Check out this post on Leno's Green Garage. Scan through the articles, pictures, and videos. When finished, you will write a letter to Leno (in Google Docs) that comments on some of the interesting stuff he has, inquires about specifics on some of his projects, and ask relevant questions related to the articles.

The more depth your letter has, the better grade you will receive. Title your google doc "Last Name-Leno Letter" and make sure to share it with me.

ENRICHMENT- You are going to complete some Sentence Expansions.  What is a sentence expansion?  Read below:

The goal of sentence expansion is to create sentences that are informative and interesting. Writing an awesome sentence is something that everyone can do. In sentence expansion, you take a simple sentence(one noun and a verb) and gradually expand it until you have a beautiful sentence.

To start this activity, students need to be able to answer the following questions: Who? What? How? Where? When? and Why? Take a look at the example below.

What/What Kind:
The alligator eats.
green alligator eats.
The green alligator eats 
The green alligator eats quickly 
in the pool.
The green alligator eats quickly in the pool 
at 9:00 A.M.
The green alligator eats quickly in the pool at 9:00 A.M.
because he is hungry.
By taking a simple sentence and expanding it step by step, students are able to create sentences that are entertaining and informative.

Ok, so the alligator example above is called ONE SET of sentence expansions.  Each set has six sentences.  On a piece of paper, I'd like to you create 5 sets of sentence expansions.  Have fun with them!

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