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Friday, November 15, 2013

11/15 Friday

1. Free Rice-Free Rice Friday!!!!

2. Weekly Vocabulary 3-2-1-It's time to finish your Weekly Vocabulary projects....

3. Weekly Vocabulary-Take about 10 minutes to study your Weekly Vocabulary Words. There will be a quiz!

4. Weekly Vocab. Quiz


5. The Outsiders-Grab a book and get reading. If you have not done the 7 Character Ice Cream Cones you need to finish that now.

6. Middle Passage-You will be reading a passage on the slave trade. When you have finished reading, you will need to create a 10 question pop quiz on the passage. 

7. Slavery Obituary-Keep working on your obituaries.

Today for Enrichment we are going to have a Website battle. You will visit both websites. Really spend some quality time on each site. Then you will send me an email titled "Website Battle 1". In the email you should tell me which site you preferred and why. Remember to write in complete sentences and to fully explain you answers.


Flockdraw         VS             Art Pad

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