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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

11/21 Wednesday

1. Game Time-We have a new game today! Its called Word Craze. Here's the instructions for the game:

Guess as many words as you can in under a minute. There is a catch though. Your words must match up with the target letter and position shown above a word. Words cannot be used more than once and they must be valid to score. Each letter contains a different value according to how often it appears in our dictionary.

Eight Letter Game 
Synonym Toast
Sentence Unscramble.

2. Mystery Read!-Today we are going to solve a mystery!

3. Theme-Let's practice those theme finding skills.

4. The Outsiders-Our test is on Friday. Read and/or review your class novel.

5. Prefix/Suffix-Let's do some work together as a class.

6. Slavery-Today we will be reviewing and looking at the causes of slavery and how slaves were treated.

Slavery Presentation

Today for Enrichment we are going to have a Website battle. You will visit both websites. Really spend some quality time on each site. Then you will send me an email titled "Website Battle 1". In the email you should tell me which site you preferred and why. Remember to write in complete sentences and to fully explain you answers.


Flockdraw         VS             Art Pad

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