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Monday, November 18, 2013

11/18 Monday

1. Warm-Up-In your Norman Language Arts Google doc, answer the following question. Make sure to date your post, fully explain your answer, and use complete sentences.

2. Weekly Vocabulary -- This week we are going to change up things a bit. Watch some of the      "S" Vocabulary Videos.

Your assignment is to create a short story using at least 12 of the "S" words correctly. You can add suffixes (review your prefix/suffix worksheet) to the words to make them fit better, but all words used must fit the context of your story. Rewatch some of the videos if necessary to better understand the words. This should be completed on a blank piece of paper and is due on Friday. Remember to underline each vocabulary word in your story.

The temptation with this assignment is to write as short a story as possible. Be careful not to cram too many specific vocabulary words in a few sentences, as context mistakes are likely.

3. The Outsiders- We will be having our 1st quiz on our class novel this week.

4. Prefix/Suffix-I hope you held on to both Prefix/Suffix worksheets I gave you!

5. Theme-This week we are going to be discussing Theme. Finding a story's theme is extremely important. Watch the following video on finding theme.

 Now you need to visit the following websites on theme. The sites are Here, Here, and  Here.
As you watch the video and search the sites you need to take notes on the best ways to find a story's theme. When you have finished, you are to send me an email titled THEME. In this email you are to use the information from the video and the websites to make a list of the 7 best ways to find a story's theme. Your email should contain complete sentences and you must fully explain each of your 7 ways of finding theme.

6. Slavery Warm-Up-In your Norman Social Studies Google doc, respond to the following writing prompt:

“You are awoken in the dead of night and taken away from your home and family. You are then transported by people who do not speak your language to a country that is completely foreign to you. Write your thoughts, feelings, fears, etc…”

7. Middle Passage-We will be discussing The Middle Passage handout from last week. 

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