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Thursday, November 21, 2013

11/21 Thursday

1. Would-You-Rather-This is something we will occasionally do. Answer both "would you rather" questions in your Language Arts Google Doc. Make sure to fully explain your answers.

Would you rather time travel to the past or to the future?

Would you rather always lose or never play?

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Take this time to work on your "S" word short stories. Remember they are not due to till Friday, so make them awesome!

3. Theme-Check your Gmail to make sure that you have gotten your "How to Find Theme" email from me.

4. Finding Theme Part 1-You will be partnering with a classmate to complete a theme finding exercise.

5  Glogster - Today we will practice using Glogster. I think you should create your own account and make sure you add it to your user name and password to your password sheet.
You have options for signing up:

You may have made an account in 6th grade. Try to use that one. If you forgot your password or user name, try to sign in and click "forgot." They'll send your information to your email.
Sign up for a free student account. My educator code is 7BUCA4
Sign in with your Google Account. It's in the type right corner.
After getting signed in, please start a new glog. We'll have a little contest. Your job is to create a glog on Pamlico Middle School. Your interactive poster should be creative and highlight all of the good things at Pamlico Middle.

For today, do not use any videos on your glog. No YouTube searching is needed today.

When finished, you will put the URL to your glog in my class dropbox (I will show/model this for you). Make sure that your glog is public and can be viewed by others.

6. The Outsiders-Our quiz is tomorrow. Spend this time either reading or reviewing. The quiz will cover major events and characters.

7. Slavery-We will continue our slavery unit.

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