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Thursday, March 28, 2013

3/28 Thursday

All that stands between you guys and Spring Break is numbers 1-7

1. Warm-Up-Enjoy some Free Rice.

2. Conflict Review-Let's see how well we know our conflicts!

3. Create-a-conflict-I want you guys to pick one of the conflict types and write a 10 sentence short story using your conflict. This should go in your Norman's Stuff.

4. Bronx Masquerade-Here we go.....

5. Bronx Review-Now that we have finished Bronx, you guys are going to write a review! Let me know what you thought about the book (good or bad.) Be sure to provide lots of details. Your review should be at least 15 sentences. I want you to list favorite and least favorite characters. I want to know what questions you had after the book ended. I want to know what you might have done differently if you had written the book. Dig deep!

6. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question:

" What are some ways that America may have been impacted by the French Revolution?"

7. James Monroe-Watch this video. You should take notes, because when you are finished you are going to create 5 EOG style questions about the information contained in the video. Your questions should go in your Mr. Norman's Stuff doc. 

Exit Ticket-Copy and paste the following questions into your Norman's stuff doc. Now answer the questions. Think about what we have talked about this week and remember to dig deep.

     1. List and explain 3 impacts the French Revolution had on the world.

     2. Why did France sell Louisiana to the United States? Explain your answer.

     3. Explain in detail the role of Simon Bolivar in Latin American Independence.

     4. What was so significant about the Monroe Doctrine? Explain your answer.

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