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Monday, March 4, 2013

3/4 Monday

1. Warm-up-BOOOOO!!!! The weekend is over....

As sad as that is remember another one is just 5 days away. Ok, in your Mr. Norman's stuff doc, tell me about something interesting you did over the weekend. Give good details and explain why you thought it was interesting.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-It's that time again, time for our Weekly Vocabulary! Take a few minutes getting to know your words better. After you have finished, we will discuss the words as a class.

3. Weekly Vocabulary Project-This week we will be using our new vocabulary words to complete a 5x5x5 project. First, pick 5 of the 10 words. Next, write your 5 words and their defintions 5 times. When finished, create a paragraph with at least 5 sentences that use the 5 vocabulary words you picked. Make sure you use each word correctly. Make sure to underline the vocabulary words in your created paragraph. This assignment will be due on Friday.

4. Finish the Story-First off, yes I did steal this from Mr. Philipps, but I just think that it is a great idea! I will give one sentence. Using that sentence as a starting point, you are to create a short story! Make it exciting, make it intense, make it unforgettable, but most of all, just make it!

I realized that time was running short, and I only had a few moments before everything would change forever!

5. Active Notes-Practice your active notes skills on the handout.

6. Independent Reading-Sit back, relax, and enjoy your book. In your class notebooks we will be doing Page Webs.

7 Book Journal-Like we did for Bronx Masquerade, pick one character from your independent reading book that you most identify with. Give 2 reasons why you feel this way.

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