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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

3/13 Wednesday

1. Warm-Up-Respond to the following quotes:

What do you think the following quotes mean? What was the speaker talking about? Why do you think so?

“Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.”

“Choose the positive. You have choice, you are master of your attitude, choose the positive, the constructive. Optimism is a faith that leads to success.”

2. Weekly Homework Discussion

3. Poetry KWL-You guys should already be familiar with KWL charts. Well, now you are going to create a Poetry KWL. For the K, you will be writing everything you already know about poetry. Use the W to write about what you want to learn about poetry. Finally, you will write everything that you learn about poetry in the L section of your chart.

The following Slide Presentation can help you with your chart.

4. Reading Scores Chart -- Please double check that you have shared your Reading Scores Chart with both Mr. Philipps and Mr. Norman.  

Make sure you have renamed it appropriately (number-full name-title).  The title should be Reading Scores Chart.

5. Read Aloud-Let's all relax and visit the kids from Bronx Masquerade.

6. Independent Reading-It's time to grab your book and do some independent reading. In your Class Journal Notebook you will be doing 8 Pop-Up Questions.

7. Book Journal-After your independent reading, answer the following question in your book journal.

What is one word you use to describe what you read in your book today. Be sure to give your reasons for selecting your word.

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