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Monday, April 8, 2013

4/8 Monday

Wow, it has been awhile since anyone was here! Well let's try our best to get back into the swing of things!

1. Warm-Up- Answer the following question.

What were some things you did over Spring Break?  Was there one thing you did that was particularly awesome? Explain.
2. Weekly Vocabulary-Take some time to get acquainted with your new vocabulary words.
3. Weekly Vocabulary Project-5x5x5.
4. The Most Dangerous Game Introduction-Let's take a few minutes and get to know The Most Dangerous Game.
5. Independent Reading-Grab your books and go!

Independent Reading Question-Answer the following question in your Book Journal
Did you get a chance to read your book on Spring Break. If so, how much did you read? If you didn't, why not? 

6. Social Studies Warm-up-Answer the following question
We are beginning a unit on the Industrial Revolution. What do you think the Industrial Revolution refers to?
7. Industrial Revolution-Today we will begin our unit on the Industrial Revolution.
8. Weekly Project-Go to the following link. Read about your weekly project. We will discuss.

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