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Monday, March 18, 2013

3/18 Monday

1. Warm-Up-Answer the following warm-up question

Do you think that working on your poetry has helped you in your ability to express yourself? If so explain. If no explain.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Here is the link to your weekly vocabulary words. Take a few minutes and get to know your words.

3. Weekly Vocabulary Project-This week you will be doing a 3-2-1 Project with your weekly vocabulary words.

4. Bronx Masquerade-Although I will never be able to top the awesomeness of Blake, Meg and Nolin rapping, I will nonetheless try. 

5. Poetry-Take a few minutes to review my poetry slides and the poetry terms.

6. Independent Reading-Grab your book and read! In your Class Notebook you will be doing 3 Page Webs.

7. Book Journal-My favorite time to read is right before I go to bed. Do you have a favorite reading time? If so, tell me why you like  this time.

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