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Friday, March 8, 2013

3/8 Friday

1. Warm-Up-Free Rice...Free Rice....Free Rice

2. Friday Question- In your Mr. Norman's Stuff doc, answer the following question

Thought Questions 5

3. Weekly Project-Take some time to finish your Movie Review. If you are finished, take some time making it better!

4. Read Aloud-Stop what you are doing and get's time for Bronx Masquerade!

5. Character Chart-Take a few minutes to update your Character Chart.

6. Get a JOB!-In the past couple of days, you have learned a lot about informational text, now it's time to create your own. Go to the following link, look around, and await further instruction.

7. Independent Reading-Clear your heads and relax. It's time to read independently. We will chose as a class our Class Journal activity.

8. Book Journal-In your book journal, answer the following question.

"Would you like to trade places with your book's main character? If yes explain why. If no explain why."

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