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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

3/27 Wednesday

1. Warm-Up-Answer the following "would you rathers"

Would you rather time travel to the past or to the future?

Would you rather always lose or never play?
2. Vocab Review-Take a few minutes to review for your quiz.

3. Vocabulary Quiz- Here is the link for your quiz.

4. Conflict Review

5. Rewording Questions-We are going to work on our rewording skills!

6. Bronx Masquerade-Will today be the day we finish?

7. Independent Reading-Grab your book, your class notebook and get busy! In your notebook you will be doing 7 Pop-Up Questions.

8. Book Journal-In your book journal doc. answer the following question

What are some of the conflicts found in your book? List the conflicts and provide examples from your book.

9. Warm-Up-Answer the following question-

How do you think other kings felt when they learned about the French Revolution? Why do you think they felt this way? Be sure to explain.

10. Simon Bolivar Videos-Watch the 2 videos on Simon Bolivar. Like you did with the Toussaint web pages, you are to evaluate and rate them. Explain what you liked and did not like about the videos.

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