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Friday, March 22, 2013

3/22 Friday

IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Free Rice-Free Rice Friday!

2. News Article- Read the following article. Share your thoughts in your Norman's Stuff doc. Was it interesting? Was it boring? Be sure to provide details.

3. Weekly Projects-Weekly Projects are due NOW!

4. Theme-We are going to take a few minutes to review the subject of theme. This would be a good time to look over your notes. You can also look at my Theme Slide Presentation.

5. Bronx Masquerade

6. Independent Reading-Grab your books and get reading!

7. Book Journal-Answer the following question-

What is the theme of your book? Why do you think so? Provide details. If you have just started your book or are reading a non-fiction one,  write about the theme from the last book you read. 

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