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Monday, March 11, 2013

3/11 Monday

1. Warm-Up-Using your summarization and reviewing skills, answer the following prompt-

In your Mr. Norman's Stuff doc, summarize last week's classes. Be sure to provide good details. Also, I want you to review Mr. Norman's performance. What was good? What was bad? What would you change?

2. Weekly Vocabualry- Take a few minutes to look over your Weekly Vocabulary. For a change, I picked all the words from Bronx Masquerade!

3. Weekly Vocabulary Project-For your Weekly Vocabualry Assignment, you are to use all 15 of your vocab. words to create a Crossword Puzzle.

4. Read Aloud-It's time to sit back and enjoy some Bronx Masquerade, brought to you courtesy of Mr. Norman.

5. Informational Text Close Reading-Today we are going to apply our close reading skills to a passage of informational text.

6. Independent Reading- Grab your book, get comfortable (or as my son says, "compable") and do some independent reading.

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