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Monday, April 22, 2013

4/22 Monday

1. Warm-up-Answer the following question:

Now that we are nearing the end of our story, how have you enjoyed The Most Dangerous Game? Is it something that Mr. Norman should teach to other students in the future? Tell me if you liked it or not and be sure to provide your reasons. Also, before we finish, make at least 3 predictions of what you think might happen in the story.

2. Most Dangerous Game-Let's see how Rainsford gets out of this one!

3. Most Dangerous Game Map Activity-Here is the link to the story. You are going to create a map of Ship-Trap Island. Your map should be creative, colorful, and contain important places from the story. You must also reference the spot in the story where your places are mentioned.

4. Independent Reading-Let's read! In your Class Notebook, create 5 Pop-up Questions.

Book Journal Question-Out of all the books you have read this school year, which one has been your favorite? Be sure to explain why. Also, which book has been your least favorite? Provide reasons.

5. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question:

What are some ways in which World War 1 might have been avoided? Be sure to provide details.

6. WW1 Causes-Today we are going to take a deeper look at the causes of World War 1.

7. WW1 Timelines-Take the rest of the class and finish those timelines!

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