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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4/9 Tuesday

1. Warm-Up Creative Writing

Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative and try to include some of your weekly vocabulary words.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Take this time to study your Weekly Vocabulary, work on your 5x5x5, or both!

3. Point-of-View-Today we are going to look at Point of View in literature.

4. Most Dangerous Game Weekly Activity- You are going to create an 8 slide presentation on either the Caribbean or the Amazon. You will pick one and start researching. Your slides will discuss the following topics pertaining to whichever region you select.
     -Natural Resources
     -Animal/Plant life

5. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question:

What factors led to the Industrial Revolution?

6. Industrial Revolution-Today we are going to look at the important inventions. You will go to the following links, read the web pages, and take notes. When you are finished, I want you to evaluate the websites. Rank them in order of favorite to least favorite and make sure to provide reasons. When you are done with that, we will discuss the links as a class. The links are here, here, here, and here.

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