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Thursday, April 11, 2013

4/11 Thursday

1. Warm-Up-Read the following article. Once you have finished, create 3 EOG style questions about the information in the article.

When you have finished, work on your 5x5x5s and your Caribbean/Amazon slides.

2. Weekly Vocabulary Practice-Let's practice our words!

3. Most Dangerous Game-Alright, Rainsford is on the island, has found a large house, has a gun pulled on him, and is still not wearing clothes. Let's see what happens next!

4. POV-Let's see how well you guys know your various POV's.

5. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question.

Define what you think capitalism means. Provide reasons for your answer."
6. Capitalism/Communism/Socialism-Today we are going to look at the economic theories which appeared in the late 18th century.

7. Venn-Diagram- Visit the following websites. Use the information you find to fill out a Venn-diagram comparing and contrasting capitalism and communism/socialism. Your websites are here, here, here, and here.

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