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Thursday, April 18, 2013

4/18 Thursday

1. Warm-Up-Read the following article. Once you have finished, create 3 EOG style questions based on the information in the article. Put these questions in your Norman's Stuff doc.
When you finish your questions, you can work on your 3-2-1s.

2. Question Rewording-We are going to take a few minutes to practice question rewording skills.

3. Point-of-View-I  hope you guys remember each of the different Points of View!
In your Norman's Stuff doc, you are to write 2 sentences for each of the various points of view (that means 2 sentences for first person, 2 for second person, etc...)
4. Most Dangerous Game-Lets get back to the island and find out about the General's "new animal."
5. Plot-Today we are going to start looking at the elements which make up a story's plot.
6. Social Studies Warm-up-Answer the following question

"What types of effects do you think a widespread disease outbreak can have on a society?"

7. Pre-World War 1 World-Today we are going to look at the state of the world right before WW1.

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