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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

4/1 Wednesday

No work today....HA April Fool's Day sucka!!!!!!sorry guys...

1. Journal-Make some more entries. I really like reading what you guys are experiencing. It makes me like we are still connected....kindašŸ˜¢

2. Short Story-Now that you have finished your story, complete this worksheet. Put your answers into your ELA google doc. I will checking all of your Google doc work tomorrow night so MAKE SURE YOU ARE CAUGHT UP!!!

3. Newsela-Log in and complete the article about the Evolution of Snakes. Sounds creepy....


1. CNN 10-Head here to catch up on the news. When finished, jump on your SS Google Doc and comment like always. 

2.Silk Road- Make sure you've finished the Silk Road article, then send me an email ( answering the following questions:
 1.Why do you think the author compared the Silk Road to the internet? Explain your answer and 
    provide examples of how they are similar.
 2.Why did the ancient Roman authorities try to ban silk?
 3.What other items were traded along the Silk Road?
 4.Why do you think that silk was so expensive? What clues did the passage provide to help you
    make you inference?

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