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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

4/28 Tuesday

1. Read Theory-Let's get back to Read Theory I have included your passwords here and here. Please only log in using your own login. Work for 30 minutes! I can tell!!!!!
2. Newsela-Head on over to Newsela Read the article. Take the quiz. When you have finished, send me an email with the topic of the article,  the main idea, and a supporting detail. Your article is titled, “Establishing a New Routine for Distance Learning”


1. CNN 10-Head here to catch up on the news. When finished, jump on your SS Google Doc and comment like always.

2. Revolution- Check out my slides on Revolution. Scroll past the Age of Absolutism. I only want you guys to focus on the causes of revolutions and the American Revolution today. I know these slides aren't as awesome as they are when I present them, but why don't you pretend to be me and present them to a family member?

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