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Monday, April 20, 2020

4/20 Monday

Well...that was a  nice break, wasn't it? I hope you guys used the break to recharge your mental batteries! I used the time to try and relax. I played some Doom Eternal (nothing says Easter like Doom!), watch some TV, read some books, and of course, took epic naps. However, school is back and we got to get back to our normal/weird lives!

1. Journal-Take this time to update your journals. What amazing things did you guys do over break? What awesome things did you experience? Put it in your journal.

2. Short Story Google Doc.-We have a new story to read called, The Scholarship Jacket. First things first, I need you guys to create and share a new Google doc titled, First Name Last Name Scholarship Jacket (example Jeremy Norman Scholarship Jacket). All your work for this story will go in the doc.

3. Short Story-Here is the actual story. Today you are to do the following activities. Remember, all work goes into your newly created Google doc.
  -Do the Before Reading Quick Write Activity
  -Read the Text Analysis
  -Complete the Vocabulary in Context Activity
  -Read the Meet the Author and Background to the Story pieces


1. CNN 10-Head here to catch up on the news. When finished, jump on your SS Google Doc and comment like always.

2. Absolute Monarchy-Check out my slides about Absolute Monarchy! Those cats was crazy! You will need to scroll past the Scientific Revolution slides to the slides that start the Age of Absolutism. Read carefully. There may be a quiz!

3. Absolute Monarchy Quiz-I told you there might be a quiz! The twist is, you guys get to make it! Using the Absolute Monarchy slides, create and email ( a 5 question quiz. It must have at least 1-Multiple Choice, 1-True/Flase, and 1-Fill in the Blank. Make sure you include an Answer key!

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