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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

4/21 Tuesday

1. Read Theory-Let's get back to Read Theory I have included your passwords here and here. Please only log in using your own login. Unless you are planning on logging in as a classmate and doing their work for them and why would you do that weirdo? Work for 30 minutes! I can tell!!!!!

2. Short Story-Here is the actual story. If you did not finish your activities from yesterday, make sure you get those done. And if for some reason you still haven't created and shared your new google doc....DO IT! Today I want you to begin reading your story. Answer the margin questions (they are marked a. b. c. d. etc.) in your new google doc. 


1. CNN 10-Head here to catch up on the news. When finished, jump on your SS Google Doc and comment like always.

2. Absolute Monarchy-Check out my slides about Absolute Monarchy! Those cats was crazy! You will need to scroll past the Scientific Revolution slides to the slides that start the Age of Absolutism. Read carefully.

3. Absolute Monarchy Quiz- IF YOU HAVE FINISHED AND SUBMITTED THIS YOU NEED TO DO SO TODAY! I told you there might be a quiz! The twist is, you guys get to make it! Using the Absolute Monarchy slides, create and email ( a 5 question quiz. It must have at least 1-Multiple Choice, 1-True/Flase, and 1-Fill in the Blank. Make sure you include an Answer key!

4.  Absolute Monarchy Project-Now that we are done with our notes, it is your turn to do some research. You are to pick an absolute monarch (from the list below) to create a google slide show that answers the following questions about your monarch.

-What country did your monarch rule?
-Who was ruler before and after them?
-How long did they rule?
-How did their reign end? (reign means their rule)
-What wars were fought during their reign of power?

Your slideshow must be:
-At least 6 slides long
-Grammatically correct
-Factually accurate
-Visually appealing

Here is the list of monarchs you can choose from:

Elizabeth the 1st
Phillip the 2nd
Frederick the 1st
Catherine the Great
Charles the 11th

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