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Friday, October 31, 2014

10/31 Friday


As you can see, I am not in school today. However, this does not mean you should misbehave or not do your work. Numbers 1-5 are for Language Arts and 6-7 are for Social Studies

1. Free Rice-Take about 10 minutes to play some Free Rice.

2. Halloween Vocabulary-Here are your special Halloween Vocabulary Words! Take about 10 minutes to really get to know them.

3. Weekly Vocabulary 3-2-1-For this week's words, you will be creating a 3-2-1. These are due in 20 minutes. When you finish, turn them in to the sub. Here are the instructions again:

Write each word 3 times
Write each word and definition 2 times
Write 1 sentence using each of your vocab words (meaning you will be writing 10 sentences)

3. Create-a-Quiz-Since you guys got off easy and had no quiz this week, you are going to use this time to make one. Using all 10 words, create a 10 question, multiple choice quiz. Make sure to include an answer key. You should do this on a blank piece of paper and turn it in when you finish.

4. NC Write-Keep working on the "Halloween" prompt. Make sure it is at least 300 words.

5. Short Story-Let's start our short story for the week. It is called The Lottery. You guys will read the story on your own. Once you have finished reading, answer the following questions in Google doc titled "The Lottery" Make sure you share this doc with Mr. Norman. Remember to answer in complete sentences!

a. What happened at the end of the story? How did the ending make you feel?
b. What in the story might have helped you predict the kind of ending the story had?
c. What did the author to set the tone for the story?
d. Why do you think the Village still does the Lottery each year?

6. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc.
At what age are you officially "too old" to go trick or treating? Make sure you give reasons and fully explain your answer.

7. Origins of Halloween-You should finish up your Halloween research that you started yesterday. It must be completed by the end of this class period.

-Halloween-research the holiday itself. When did it start? Where did it start? Why did it start?
-Jack-o-Lanterns-What is the origin of the Jack-o-Lantern? Why are they made from pumpkins?
-Costumes-Why do kids dress in costumes on Halloween? When and where did this tradition start?
-Candy-For this one, you need to pick your all-time favorite candy and research its origin.

You are to put the findings of your research into a Google doc titled "Halloween Origins" and share it with Mr. Norman.

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