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Thursday, October 9, 2014

10/9 Thursday

1. Article Review-Read the following article. After reading, write a quick review of the article in your Language Arts Google doc. . Your review should answer the following questions:

-Did you like the article? Explain your answer

-Was the article informative? Explain your answer

-What was one thing about the article that you found fascinating? Explain your answer

2. Scope Review-We are going to take a few minutes to review the Close Reading questions from yesterday.

3. Reading Passage-We are going to complete a quick reading passage and practice our close reading skills.

4. Scope Magazine-We are going to complete one last assignment on our article about Lauren. 

5. Free Reading-Take this time to read your books.

6. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc.

Do you think that it's right for explorers to come to another country and take stuff? What about the people that already live in these countries? How do you feel about them? Explain your answers.

7. Explorer's Map-Today you are going to start working on a map which will trace the routes and give the reasons for exploration of 6 different explorers. These maps will need to be bright, colorful, and detailed!

Your map should include:
-Explorer's name
-Country they came from
-Route they took
-Years of their expedition
-Reason for expedition

List of Explorers (choose 6)
-Christopher Columbus
-Sir Francis Drake
-Hernando DeSoto
-Ferdinand Magellan
-Hernando Cortes
-Juan Ponce DeLeon
-Sir Walter Raleigh
-Henry Hudson
-Vasco da Gama
-Vasco de Balboa

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