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Monday, October 13, 2014

10/13 Monday

1. Warm-Up-In your Norman Language Arts google doc, answer the following question. Make sure to date your post, fully explain your answer, and use complete sentences.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Take a look at your new words. Once again, these are tone/mood words and are used by authors to set the feel of the story that they are writing.

3. 7x7x7-This week, we will be using our words to create a 7x7x7. This works just like 5x5x5 except you use two more words. Here are the directions:

*Directions: Write each word and its definition seven times. When finished, create a paragraph with at least seven sentences that uses all seven words correctly. Make sure to underline the vocabulary words in your created paragraph.

3. Main Idea-We are going to do some more practice on finding Main Idea.

4. Scope Magazine-What will this week's article be about?

5. NC Write-Begin working on the prompt titled "Who am I?" Your essay should be at least 115 words. 

6. Columbus Day-Head over to this link and follow along as we make our way through a timeline of Columbus's journey. Each section will contain a question which you will need to answer in a new Google doc titled "Columbus Journal." Copy and paste the question into your new Google doc, and then answer the question using complete sentences. Make sure you answer every part of the question. Make sure you date each post (use the date of that is on the timeline.)

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