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Monday, November 3, 2014

11/3 Monday

As you can tell, I am still out. I think that I may have contracted Ebola over the weekend!

Language Arts

Alright, for most of you the benchmarks are thankfully over. Take about 20 minutes and relax with some Wednesday games.

1. Game Time-Let's get the day started with some games.
Eight Letter Game
Synonym Toast
Sentence Unscramble.

2. NC Write-Use this time finish up those scary "Halloween" prompts.

3. Short Story-If you did not finish The Lottery (and a lot of you did not!) use this time to do so. You guys will read the story on your own. Once you have finished reading, answer the following questions in Google doc titled "The Lottery" Make sure you share this doc with Mr. Norman. Remember to answer in complete sentences!

a. What happened at the end of the story? How did the ending make you feel?
b. What in the story might have helped you predict the kind of ending the story had?
c. What did the author to set the tone for the story?
d. Why do you think the Village still does the Lottery each year?

4. Study Island-Head over to Study Island and work on Summarization. You are to complete 15 questions.

Social Studies

5. Letter Home  Assignment-This week you will be pretending that you are a crew member aboard one of the Age of Exploration voyages. You must follow these steps to complete the assignment:

1. Pick an expedition you think you would have liked to have been on.
2. Research all important  information about that expedition (dates, locations, reasons for expedition).
3. Write a letter to your family as if you were writing from aboard a ship on an expedition.
4. Include in your letters the information you found in step number 2.
5. Type your letter in a new Google doc called Letter Home. Share it with Mr. Norman.

Use this period to finish up anything you have yet to complete from today.

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