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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

3/234 Tuesday

Did you know?????? This sucks...

Well, the hits just keep coming. Not only are we not going to go back to our physical school building till May 15th but it was also announced that the Summer Olympics may be postponed till at least 2021....Ugh

My son is really not having an easy time adjusting to school at home. He is very emotional lately. I think he misses the structure and daily routine of it. I think I agree. I really miss you guys! 

1. Coronavirus Journals-Update your journals. Share your misery. Detail your snacks.

2. LOGOS-Work on Activity 5 from Lesson 15.

3. Article of the Week-Head to Newsela and read the first article in the list of assigned articles (the one about the all female space-walkers.) When you have finished, send Mr. Norman an email,, and tell the topic of the article, what the article said about the topic, and give one 1 sentence from the article that supports it!


1. CNN 10-Head here to catch up on the news. When finished, jump on your SS Google Doc and comment like always. 

2. Junior Scholastic-Once again use head here and read this article. It's the same article as yesterday, but you guys probably need some refreshing. If you guys did not finish your map skills questions, you need to do that. If you have finished, work on these worksheets. Put your answers in your SS Google Doc. 

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