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Monday, March 2, 2020

3/2 Monday

Did you know??????2/3 of all people on Earth have never seen snow...Snow kidding!

1. Class Novel-Let's get back to Animal Farm!

2. Class Novel Questions-Answer the questions on the board in your Animal Farm Google Doc.

3. New Standard-Oh yeah! New month! New standard!

4. Cultural Literacy Terms-New term time.

5. CNN 10-New news...

6. The Inquisition-Today we will look at one of the worst aspects of the Reformation, the Inquisition.

7. Torture in the Inquisition-Torture was a big part of the Inquisition. Go to my Torture in the Inquisition Google doc and read about the various techniques used for torture during the Inquisition. On a blank sheet of paper, you need to rank the torture methods by how painful you think they would be.
1-most painful
2-2nd most painful
3-not as painful but still no walk in the park
4-it hurts but I ain't dying...
5. easy-peezy lemon squeezey

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