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Thursday, March 19, 2020

3/18 Thursday

3/18 Thursday

WOW...I never thought we would miss school because of a global pandemic, but here we are. Hopefully most of you are able to access this from home. I know this is weird, but until we are able to get back to normal, this is how we are going to have to proceed. Remember, this is only temporary and it will soon be over.


1. Virus Journal-One thing I want you to do is to begin a daily journal. A good way to deal with the confusion and uncertainty of the times is to write about. In your ELA Google doc., I want you to jot down your feelings on a daily or semi-daily basis. This doesn't have to be super deep or long, but I do want to know what is going on with you guys.  For example, yesterday at Wal-Mart I saw a woman wearing a mask loading her cart with 5 giant bags of dog food. I thought "does she have a lot of dogs, or is she that scared of being quarantined?" Then I had to walk past her, so I excused myself and she just stared at me without saying a word. It was creepy. It was like the act of speaking would have exposed her....

2. Class Novel-I hate hate HATE that I can't keep reading Animal Farm to you. But such is life. Head here to get Chapter 8 and two discussion questions. As always, answer you questions in your Animal Farm Google Doc.

3. LOGOs-Even a Global Pandemic can't keep your old buddy LOGOs away. You will once again be using your LOGOs words to create a Google Slideshow that correctly uses each word in Lesson 15. Following are links with the definitions for the prefixes and the word definitions. Make sure you share your slides. Sharing is caring! (Unless it's coronavirus...don't share that)


1. CNN 10-Head here to catch up on the news. When finished, jump on your SS Google Doc and comment like always. 

2.  Junior Scholastic-Head to this link. Follow these instructions log-in in upper right corner I am a student (duh)
  3.enter classroom code mintstop7 (all lowercase)
  4.on blue bar at top of page click all issues 
  5. find and click on issue with cover story titled "Teens Who Feed America"
  6. Read the article
  7. On paper, answer the 10 Map Skills question found at the end of the article

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