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Thursday, September 4, 2014

9/4 Thursday

In honor of the start of the NFL season, I give you guys a picture of a glitch from Madden 15:

1. Warm-Up- Creative Writing
Look at the following picture. Write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative and try to include some of your weekly vocabulary words. Your short story should go in your Norman-Language Arts doc.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Take this time to continue working on your 3-2-1s. If you are finished, play around with the words on Quizlet.

3. Kahoot-Will we have a noun/verb Kahoot?

4. Adjective/Adverb-We are finished with nouns and verbs, so today we are going to start on adjectives and adverbs.

5. Adverb/Adjective Practice-Let's do a quick worksheet

6. NC Write-I love NC Write and am excited to get back using  it!

Today for Enrichment we are going to have a Website battle. You will visit both websites. Really spend some quality time on each site. Then you will send me an email titled "Website Battle 1". In the email you should tell me which site you preferred and why. Remember to write in complete sentences and to fully explain you answers.


Flockdraw VS Art Pad

7. Google Doc-In your Google Drive, create a Google Document titled "Your Name Social Studies". For example, mine would be titled Jeremy Norman Social Studies. Be sure to share it with Mr. Norman.

8. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answer.

Of the all of the continents, which one would you most like to visit? Be sure to fully explain your answer.

9. Continent Project-Keep working on your group projects.

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