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Friday, September 26, 2014

9/26 Friday

1. Warm-Up-Free Rice...Free Rice....Free Rice

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Your 3-2-1 will be due in ten minutes.

3. Close Reading-Time to practice our close reading skills.

4. NC Write-Today is the last day to work on your Favorite Room essay.

5. MobyMax-Head over to MobyMax and wait for instructions.

6. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies google doc:
If you could ask one person from the Renaissance a question, who would it be and what would you ask them? Why would you ask this question?

7. Henry VIII-Henry was a HUGE figure in the Renaissance, but we are going to focus on his wives. You are going to research all 6 of his wives and answer the following questions about each of them. You should answer in complete sentences.

1. What was her name?
2. When was she born?
3. When did she die?
4. How did she die?
5. What were some interesting facts about this wife?
6. Did she have any children? If so, then what were the children's names?

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