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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

9/17 Wednesday

GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS???????????????????

1. Game Time-Let's get the day started with some games. You can play either Eight Letter Game or Wordsearch.

Also play our new game, Knoword. Here is the website's definition:

Knoword is a game of quick thinking, smart decisions and great words. When you begin, you will be given one randomly generated dictionary definition along with the first letter of its corresponding word. You must fill in the rest of the word to experience a gain in points and an added time bonus. You will start off with one minute before the game ends, and every word is an opportunity to extend your time. If you're ever stuck on a word, just hit the skip button and a new puzzle will present itself.

If you're able to string together correct answers, you will notice yourWord streak counter increasing. You can accumulate badges and additional points by achieving certain amounts of consecutively correct words... How far can you get?

So, I'd like you try out KNOWORD and write up a review and email it to me! Did you like it? Was it easy or hard? 

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Study those words, work on your 7x7x7 or play Scatter or Space Race.

3. Inference Practice-Practice makes perfect!

4. NC Write-New week, new prompt! Head over to NC Write and complete the prompt titled "Favorite Room". Your essay should be at least 100 words and the final draft will be due on Friday.

5. Independent Reading-Time to relax and read.

6. Renaissance Art- Head to this link and let's read about how the great artists created sculptures and paintings. As your scan through, write down on a blank piece of paper, ten important facts from your reading. You must not have more than two facts from any paragraph.

When finished with the article, read the questions below and answer on the same sheet as you have your facts on. Use your facts and details from the article to completely answer the questions. Answers must be in complete sentences.

1. How did artists get the money to create their art?
2. What was an important advance made by Renaissance painters? Why was it so important? Give examples of this advance in use.
3. How did artists use math and science to help them create their art?
4. Sculptors began carving figures that looked like real people and showed emotion. Who were two key sculptors and what were some of their famous sculpting accomplishments?
5. Varsari's quote of "What a happy age we live in. How fortunate . . . " is referring to what? Why do you think he feels that way?

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