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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

9/30 Tuesday

1. Warm-Up-Creative Writing: Look at the following picture. In your Language Arts Google doc., write a quick short story about the picture. Be creative and try to include some of your weekly vocabulary words. Remember, you are writing a story based on the picture NOT describing the picture!

2.Vocabulary Crossword-We are going to use our words to create a crossword puzzle. Remember to write your clues on the back of your paper. Your clues should be challenging but not impossible. Here is a reminder of what a crossword puzzle should look like.

3. MobyMax-Head over to MobyMax and wait for instructions.

4. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc.

What were indulgences? What part did they play in the Reformation? Remember to fully explain your answer.

5. Reformation Reporter-A reporter's main job is to get answers to questions. You are going to spend the next few days researching the Reformation. You will then answer, on a blank sheet of paper, the following questions:

WHAT-What was the Reformation? Be sure to fully explain your answers.

WHO-Pick 4 important people from the Reformation. Tell me who they were and why they were important to the Reformation.

WHEN-Pick and explain at least 3 important dates from the Reformation. Explain why the dates you chose are important to the Reformation.

HOW-Explain in detail how the Reformation started. What happened before that led to this movement?

WHY-Why did this movement happen? Why was it so important to the world? Why is it still important?

WHERE-What were some of the important locations of the Reformation?

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