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Friday, February 28, 2014

2/28 Friday

1. Free Rice-It's Friday so that means it is Free Rice time. Maybe Mr. Norman will hand out some Cane Bucks. Today, pick your own category!

2. Weekly Vocabulary-I will be taking up your Short Stories in about ten minutes. Make sure they are perfect!

3. Outsiders Assignment-Let's see what the newest Outsiders assignment is!!!!

4. Point of View-Today we are going to start looking at the different points of view found in literature.

5. Poetry Review-How did we do the second time around on our poetry benchmark? Let's find out.

6.  Black History Month-February is Black History Month. To celebrate, we will look at prominent African Americans and examine their impact on history.

Today we will look at Barrack Obama. Go to each of the links here and here . Use the information to answer the following questions in a new Google doc titled "Black History Month". Answer each question using complete sentences.

1. Who was this person?

2. When and where did they live?

3. Why were they so important?

4. What are 5 interesting facts about this person?

5. Was this person married and did they have any children?

7. Glorious Revolution-Time to review!

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