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Monday, February 24, 2014

2/24 Monday

1. Free Rice-Since we were not here on Friday, let's take some time to play some Free Rice today.

2. Weekly Vocabulary-Take about 10 minutes to study those words from last week. Here are the vocabulary words.

3. Vocabulary Quiz-It's time!

4. NC Write-Let's take some time to work on our Outsiders review on NC Write.

5. Poetry Review-Let's look back on our poetry types and terms.

6. Poetry Practice-We are going to take a look at a couple of poems.

7. Poetry Assignment-Let's take a few minutes to finish up our poetry assignment.

8. Black History Month-February is Black History Month. To celebrate, we will look at prominent African Americans and examine their impact on history.

Today we will look at Muhammad Ali . Go to each of the links here and here and use the information to answer the following questions in a new Google doc titled "Black History Month". Answer each question using complete sentences.

1. Who was this person?

2. When and where did they live?

3. Why were they so important?

4. What are 5 interesting facts about this person?

5. Was this person married and did they have any children?

9. English Civil War-Go to the following websites here and here. Read the information about the English Civil War. In an email titled "English Civil War" list 12 facts about this period of history. When you are finished, send the email to me at:

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