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Thursday, January 9, 2014

1/9 Thursday

1. Would-You-Rather- Answer all three "would you rather" questions in your Language Arts Google Doc. Make sure to fully explain your answers.

Be the president or a king?

Write a bestselling novel, or hit a homerun in the World Series?

Go to Alaska or Hawaii?

2.   Read and Respond -Please read this article about Giant Snails. After reading, email me a comment about the article. Your comment should include your thoughts on the article. Was it disgusting? Do you think that could happen here? What would you do about it? Think about stuff like that and make sure to write at least five sentences.
Your email should be titled: Giant Snails

3. Outsiders Wordle-Go to Wordle and create a wordle that describes everything about our class novel, The Outsiders. Your wordle should describe the book and the characters.

Step 1: Go to Wordle

Step 2:  Create your word cloud by typing in words that describe your class novel. 

 Press "GO" when finished.

Step 3:  Save your wordle to the public gallery, but do not put your last name in the description.

Step 4:  Copy (control-c) the embed code at the bottom of the page

Step 5:  Paste (control-v) the embed code into an email you will send to me. Your email should have the title "Norman-Wordle-Outsiders.

4. Story Elements-We are going to review the elements of story. Can you remember what they are? We will be adding one more element to our list.
-Important event

5. Summary-We are going to practice summarizing some different pieces of literature.

6. Social Studies Warm-Up-Answer the following question in your Norman Social Studies Google doc. Be sure to fully explain your answer.

Which of the inventions that originated during the Scientific Revolution do you think was most important to the entire world? Why do you think so?

7. Scientific Revolution Illustrated Timeline-You are to create a Scientific Revolution illustrated timeline. Your timeline should have at least ten events, people, places, or inventions. I would start by doing research, then creating your timeline.


Grammar/Overall Neatness=25 points
Creativity=25 points
Research/Information provided=50 points

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