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Thursday, May 7, 2020

5/8 Friday

Another week down! I hope you guys are doing good. It looks like things are slowly going to start returning to normal. I guess that's ok. I am still not sure if I am ready to go back into the public yet. People, in general, are nasty, and when you add a global pandemic to the mix, well I am not that confident. However, we can't stay inside forever (trust me I have tried!)
Next week in ELA we will be trying something new called Boomwriter. It is a class novel writing project that I thought might be fun to do while we are stuck at home. I will also be trying to schedule a day where we (both ELA classes) can get online together and discuss how it is supposed to work. We can also discuss anything you guys want to talk about. I will let you know the day and time.

1. Free Rice-Fridays just aren't the same without Free Rice. Try to be my new high score of 3 gazillion.

2. Short Story-We have spent this week looking at the short story,  "The Treasure of Lemon Brown". Look back over the story and make sure you have answered all the lettered questions. Then when you have finished with those, answer questions 1-11 found at the end of the story. Your answers should go in your Lemon Brown google doc.


1. CNN 10-Head here to catch up on the news. When finished, jump on your SS Google Doc and comment like always.

2. Industrial Revolution Inventions-This assignment will be due on Friday Here are the directions:

Go to the following website and look at the Industrial Revolution invention timeline. Once you have looked at some of the inventions, send me an email (subject should be "IR-Inventions") and pick the TEN Industrial Revolution inventions you think are the most important. Be sure to explain why you think so and write in complete sentences!

3. Study Island-Work on your Study Island units.

1 comment:

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