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Thursday, May 7, 2020

5/7 Thursday

1. Warm-Up-In your Norman Language Arts google doc, answer the following question. Make sure to date your post, fully explain your answer and use complete sentences.

2. Poem of the Day-Here is your new poem. Instead of doing your usual analysis, we are going to do something different. As you read the poem, I want you to focus on what the speaker considers "important". Then in your Lemon Brown Google doc, I want you to write a short essay comparing and contrasting what the speaker in the poem considers important and what the character lemon Brown considers important.
Also in your Google doc, answer the 5 Assessment Questions that accompany the poem.


1. CNN 10-Head here to catch up on the news. When finished, jump on your SS Google Doc and comment like always.

2. Industrial Revolution Inventions-This assignment will be due on Friday Here are the directions:

Go to the following website and look at the Industrial Revolution invention timeline. Once you have looked at some of the inventions, send me an email (subject should be "IR-Inventions") and pick the TEN Industrial Revolution inventions you think are the most important. Be sure to explain why you think so and write in complete sentences!

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