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Monday, May 4, 2020

5/4 Monday

As you may or may not know, today is Star Wars day. I have nothing more to say on that subject. I just wanted to make you guys aware of the fact and share a pic of Darth Vader cause I really love that dude!

1. Journal-It has been a while since I required you to write in your journal. Take some time today to do that. Update me on what's going on in your lives. What do you think about the state possibly beginning to lift the stay at home order? Have you used your time at home to enrich your life in any way? Have you used it to become even better at napping like I have? Let me know...

2. Short Story-Today we start a new short story. It's called "The Treasure of Lemon Brown".  Today, I just want you to focus on reading it. Nothing more nothing less.


1. CNN 10-Head here to catch up on the news. When finished, jump on your SS Google Doc and comment like always.

2. Industrial Revolution-New week, new revolution! Check out my Industrial Revolution Slides. When you have finished, I want you to send me an email detailing the main difference between the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. 

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