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Friday, October 23, 2015

10/23 Friday

1. Warm-Up-Free Rice...Free Rice....Free Rice

2. NC Write-We will go back to the "Favorite Room" prompt and see if we can bring our scores up anymore.

3. Read Theory-I have prizes for whoever passes the most quizzes!

4. FreeRead-Grab your Reading Notebooks, your books, and get busy!

5. Channel One-We are going to watch Channel One news. Afterwards, you are to got to your Social Studies google doc and answer the following questions about the newscast. Remember to use complete sentences, and fully explain your answers.

1. What were the stories on today's newscast?

2. Which story did you find most interesting?

3. What was interesting about this story?

6. Henry VIII-Henry was a HUGE figure in the Renaissance, but we are going to focus on his wives. You are going to research all 6 of his wives and answer the following questions about each of them. You should answer in complete sentences. You also need to draw a picture of each wife. This assignment needs to be completed on blank paper. You should use one sheet for each wife. This will be due on Friday.

1. What was her name?
2. When was she born?
3. When did she die?
4. How did she die?
5. What were some interesting facts about this wife?
6. Did she have any children? If so, then what were the children's names?

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